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Like other parts of the country, Florida is preparing to phase out R-410A in favor of other types of refrigerants. R-410A has harmful effects on the environment and depletes the ozone layer. Many people still feel confused about what this shift means for their heating and cooling systems. This guide can help you prepare for the change.
Depending on the age of your air conditioner or HVAC system, you may not have to worry about phasing out R-410A. Modern systems don’t use this refrigerant. However, systems that are more than a few years old do use this product.
Even if your system uses R-410A, you may not have to worry right away. As long as the system isn’t leaking refrigerant, you won’t need to replace the unit. If you want to get ahead of the transition, you can replace your air conditioner now or ask your HVAC technician to modify your unit to accept a different refrigerant.
Will the R-410A phase-out impact on Florida air and heating systems include changes in efficiency? Many homeowners feel concerned that switching to a system that uses a modern refrigerant will affect their home’s energy usage.
Fortunately, alternative products, such as R-454B or R32, offer similar performance. That means these refrigerants won’t noticeably impact your cooling system’s efficiency. You shouldn’t observe a change in energy consumption or an increase in your utility costs.
There are some cost concerns associated with the R-410A phase-out impact on Florida air and heating systems. The initial investment of a new system will obviously represent an additional upfront cost for homeowners. However, rebates and government incentives can help offset this expense.
Additionally, newer types of refrigerants tend to cost more than R-410A. This shouldn’t be an ongoing concern since air conditioners hold the refrigerant in a closed system. Unless your unit develops a leak, you won’t have to worry about replacing the refrigerant.
Complete Air Solutions can evaluate your heating and cooling system with typical maintenance. During the inspection and tune-up, we’ll determine which refrigerant your system uses and offer solutions to the R-410A phase-out. To learn more or request a free estimate for a replacement system, contact us today!
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