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If it’s time for a new cooling system, consider ditching the large and cumbersome unit. Instead, go ductless with a mini split air conditioner. Since mini splits are small units, you’ll experience a simpler and faster installation process. In addition, you’ll enjoy these five long-lasting benefits.
Money is one reason to choose an energy-efficient ductless mini split installation in Apopka, FL, for zoned cooling and improved air quality. The smaller unit uses less energy to operate, which means you’ll spend less on your electric bill. You can cool one area at a time, saving you from treating the air in unoccupied parts of your home.
You’ll boost the overall air quality in your living spaces with a ductless mini split. Each unit has a premium-quality filter that catches most of the particles that contaminate your indoor air. In addition, you can eliminate the need for duct cleaning since you’ll no longer use the ductwork in your home.
For the most part, outdoor temperatures in Central Florida range from moderate to hot. However, a sudden cold front or an especially chilly winter can create a need for heat. A ductless mini split can also function as a heater by reversing the transfer of heat.
Before spring, schedule your energy-efficient ductless mini split installation in Apopka, FL. For zoned cooling and improved air quality, this is the best choice on the market. That’s because you can install separate units in each part of your home to create distinct climate zones, allowing each member of your family to adjust the settings to their own preferences.
A ductless mini split is a small unit, with options that include wall, ceiling, or floor mounts. Once you choose a style, your HVAC technician can help you choose the best location for the unit. No matter where you decide to mount a mini split, it will still leave you with plenty of open living space.
Complete Air Solutions will help you choose the most energy-efficient ductless mini split for your home. Even after we install the new unit, we'll stand behind our work by providing superior maintenance and repairs. Contact us to request your free estimate today!
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