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Is Your AC Leaking Refrigerant?
Tony Rivera • Feb 22, 2023

Is Your AC Leaking Refrigerant?

Although it’s not uncommon to experience a refrigerant leak with any AC system, it’s important to get this type of problem fixed right away.

Exposure to a refrigerant can pose health hazards, especially if you have young children or pets at home. You’ll also experience reduced AC performance, and some components in the system might suffer damage.

Notice a Change in Performance? Schedule Air Conditioning Repair in Apopka, FL

One of the first signs you’ll see as a result of a refrigerant leak is a change in the cooling system’s performance. If your AC system suddenly can’t keep up with your cooling needs, the problem is likely a leak. A lower refrigerant level will cause the system to lose efficiency, resulting in areas of the home that are warmer than they should feel.

You can avoid this situation with a seasonal AC tune-up. The HVAC technician will check your refrigerant level and look for leaks as a part of the service. This makes it less likely that a leak will develop later in the summer.

Lower Efficiency Means Longer Cooling Cycles

Another sign that your system needs air conditioning repair in Apopka, FL, is a longer cooling cycle.

The refrigerant’s job is to help draw warm air out of the home and replace it with cool air. This process takes longer when there’s insufficient refrigerant in the system. If you notice air coming from your duct registers for longer periods, a leak could be the culprit.

Warm Air Coming from Your Ducts

If you have a refrigerant leak, there will come a point when the refrigerant level is too low to effectively cool the air. At this point, you’ll likely notice warm air coming from your ducts.

You can avoid wasting energy by shutting the system off until you have a chance to schedule air conditioning repair in Apopka, FL.

Let the Pros Handle Your AC Needs

Whether you need preventive care, repairs, or a new AC installation, you can trust Complete Air Solutions to handle your air conditioning needs.

Our trained technicians will keep your cooling system functioning efficiently. Contact us today to request a free estimate.

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